
Kuantan trip 1:D

I'm coming home...I'm coming home..
Tell the world that I coming home...
Heyyyy guys:DD..
I should chng the home to ''BLOG''
So sorray peeps, I don't have time to update my blog
but I will try to force myself to update it!:PP
yea, I'm too f'king lazy now.
not feeling want to study too.:x
hmmmmmm..as u see the topic is ''Kuantan Trip''
so???..lets talk 'bout it la.:PP
row row row your boat
row to kuantan please......
LAME tak???xDDD
okayyyy, starts!:P
1st day
we reach there around 2 something,
and we are going to eat at 1 kopitiam,
but i dah lupa name tiam tu:P
so....see some photo 1st la!

My cutieeeee and lovelyyyyyy sis!:DD..
awwww.damn love her:DD
oh yea, that is our lunch:PP
and I eat 2 plates of nasi lemak:DD
Its roti bakar and the teh is so famous in KUANTAN
must try whn ya go:))
3something reach CLUBMED:DD
see so many ''gui lou'' and ''guii muii''
I'm damn exciting...xD
I will do part time in clubmed after SPM!:))
Is too fun at thr!:))..okayy lar.
feeling lazy again.
hand stoppppppp!:PP
continue tomorrow:))